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Crowdfunding: The Art of Community-Powered Finance


Crowdfunding is a method of financing where individuals contribute small amounts of money to fund projects. Crowdfunding platforms enable ventures to raise small amounts of capital from many individuals. In return, backers may receive rewards, early access to products, or even equity. Crowdfunding is particularly useful for validating product ideas, building an early supporter community, and acquiring initial capital.

It's seen as a disruptive way to finance ventures and has been used for various purposes like technology, renewable energy, and scientific research.

The process involves;

  1. setting a funding goal,

  2. creating a campaign on a crowdfunding platform, The campaign includes a description of the project, its objectives, and the amount of funding needed The campaign may also include rewards or incentives for different levels of contribution,

  3. promoting it through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and personal networks, and

  4. throughout the campaign, the project creator regularly updates backers on project progress and milestones, fostering engagement and trust.

If the campaign reaches its funding target within the set timeframe, the project creator gets the pledged funds after a deduction by the crowdfunding platform. These funds are then used as planned for the project. However, if the goal isn't met, the project creator may not receive any funds, and the backers' pledges remain unprocessed. Backers contribute funds, and if the goal is met within a specified timeframe, the project proceeds. Crowdfunding offers benefits like overcoming funding challenges, involving backers, and providing publicity, enabling fundraising with limited or no loss of control and ownership.

Crowdfunding comes in various forms:

  • Reward-Based: Backers receive gifts like thank-you letters or project-related products in tiers based on their contribution.

  • Donation-Based: Often used for charity or social responsibility projects where users donate to causes online.

  • Share-Based: Allows users to invest in projects and potentially profit if successful, but they may lose if the project fails.

  • Debt-Based: Project owners borrow funds from investors under specific terms, providing collateral, and retaining operational rights until the debt matures. Debt-based crowdfunding, one of the most prevalent crowdfunding models globally, has not yet been implemented in Turkey.

Crowdfunding Platforms individuals collectively fund projects or ventures by making small contributions or pledges. Fund Finder Websites assist investors or those seeking funding in finding sources and investment opportunities. Crowdfunding also appears in the regulations of the Republic of Turkey. The 2021 Notification on Crowdfunding regulates in detail the establishment and listing of crowdfunding platforms, the conditions required of the founders, partners and board members of the platform, the changes in the partnership structure of the platform and the conditions of the investment committee to be established by the platform. In addition to equity-based crowdfunding, the Regulation also establishes the legal framework for debt-based crowdfunding and regulates the common principles for equity-based and debt-based crowdfunding and their activities.

To conclude, crowdfunding enables the realization of innovative projects through collective support, benefiting both creators and backers. It is beneficial for validating product ideas, building an early supporter community, and acquiring initial capital. Crowdfunding empowers individuals to collectively fund projects, offering versatility in purposes and rewards.

Crowdfunding democratises funding and validates market demand. Even though these fundraising methods are separately analysed, they can be combined and customized to suit an organization's specific goals, target audience, and resources. Effective fundraising often involves a diversified approach to maximize financial support and sustainability.


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